Meet Your
Hi there!
My name is Nikki, and I'm a writer and editor with over ten years of experience.
I have a Bachelor's degree in Literature and Creative Writing and I'm also an indie author under the name of Nikki Rae. When my first book Sunshine hit the bestsellers list five years ago, one thing was abundantly clear: I needed an editor.
But authors don't make a ton of money, so where would I find a good one without emptying my savings?
Metamorphosis was born a few years later, when I saw other writers and authors in the same situation. I know firsthand how hard it is to get an editor who is not only reliable, but
affordable and helpful!
That's where I come in.
I love the revision process even more than writing (I know, no one likes that part. I'm weird).
I love being the first to read something new and helping to make it the best it can be.
Please feel free to look around the new site and don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Together, we can transform your writing!

My favorite genres include speculative fiction, fantasy, paranormal, romance, erotica, horror, dystopian, science fiction, New Adult, and Young Adult. I would never turn away an author in need of editing help, but these are the areas in which I have the most knowledge!
So you've finished your project. Awesome! Congratulations! Now it's time for a new set of eyes.

I do not fix everything for you. Editing is only one step in the revision process. It is up to the author to take my suggestions and revise the manuscript themselves (hence why I use track changes). I am always around for a helping hand, to answer any questions, or as a brainstorming buddy, but I will not write your manuscript for you (that's ghostwriting ;) ). You have a story to tell and only your voice will do!

What Now?
Start out by editing your manuscript to the best of your ability (this will make it easier to focus on the important things
once it gets to me). Feel free to write notes on things that you're most concerned about or any questions you may have about
the manuscript as you go along! Leave me comments or just some bullet points. I'm here to make those voices of doubt go away!
*You can send me your first five pages for a free sample edit as well!
The Process
It is vitally important to us that writers look forward to the editing process as much as they look forward to writing a new project. This should be fun and I try my best to make it that way!
Microsoft Word is used to edit manuscripts. If you use a different program, let me know and we I will try my best
to accommodate you. Once you think you are ready to contact me, email me with the word count and
I will send you a quote!
& Pricing
Beta Reading
$0.0060 Per Word
This is usually the first stage of a finished manuscript. In short, this is where your editor reads your book the way a reader would and gives you suggestions on all the ‘big picture’ things. In line comments on plot, characterization, pacing, scene, etc. as well as end comments on the overall piece (your strengths and how you can improve) are included in this package.
Line Editing
$0.0075 Per Word
The last stage of editing, this is for mostly ready, clean manuscripts that just need one more run through. Here is where we polish up things such as (but not limited to) your word choice, syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and dialog.
Substantive Editing
$0.0085 Per Word
Most common, this is where you finish your project, ‘fix’ it to the best of your ability, and shove it into my lap because you just can’t look at it anymore. This is the most detailed package where we look at things like character development, scene, plot, pacing, as well as grammar, spelling, punctuation, dialog, syntax, word choice (and more!).
Synopsis Editing
$35.00 Flat Rate
Phew! You’re in the home stretch! Now all that’s left is that pesky synopsis. Need it to read like the back cover of a book in a store? Want readers to be intrigued by it? Struggling to get the main points across without giving the story away? I can help you make it shine!
Sample Edits
It’s always been my policy that in order to find an editor that works best with you, you need to see what kind of work they are capable of. I offer free sample edits of the first five pages of all manuscripts and any questions you may have are answered before we start and during the whole process!
Have something that you don’t think fits into these categories? Contact me and I’ll get you a quote! Generally, any work up to 5,000 words is a flat rate of $50.00. Need help with something super small (250-2,000 words)? Just ask and we’ll work something out!
***A partial deposit is required to secure your spot in the editing schedule! This will be deducted from your final total. :)
***The final price may change based on the amount of work involved, but you will always be notified beforehand!
Payment Plans
Let's be honest. We're writers. We're on a budget. I would never want an author to walk away from a project just because they couldn't afford it. If you need a payment plan, I can absolutely work with you and break up your balance in any increments you need!
e-book & Paperback
What Is Ghostwriting?
It’s no secret that in the indie world, the more books you put out, the more people know your name. However, some authors have a hard time keeping up with demand and their ideas are too plentiful to sit down and flesh out all of them.
This also comes in handy if perhaps you have a learning disability or if English isn’t your first language. If you have the ideas but the writing just isn’t there, hiring a ghostwriter may be for you!
Ghostwriting is where an author needs help making their idea into a manuscript. Often, I will ask for an informal outline and anything important you’d like me to include and then write a few samples before I begin the actual work. You retain all rights to this work, and I receive no credit for writing it.
Blog Pots/Articles
$.10 Per Word
Typically, a blog post or article is up to 1,000 words. I will do any research needed and cite the resources for you as well as write in the voice of your choosing so it fits your company/website seamlessly.
Synopsis Writing
$50.00 Flat Rate
The bane of any writer’s existence: the dreaded synopsis.
If you hate summarizing your work, picking out the most important, eye-catching aspects, and making it sound enticing, I can help you get there! I will write up to three different options for you to choose from.
My genres of expertise are: paranormal/speculative, romance, and erotica (and all their sub-genres). This means that I have studied and/or written in this area extensively, know the common tropes, what to avoid, and what your audience wants. Have a book of a different genre you’d like to have ghostwritten? Email me your ideas and we can discuss!
$$.08 Per Word
Non-Fiction (with Research)
.$.25 Per Word
This may include self-help, cooking, how-to guides, and more. Have an overall idea of what you want but no clear information? I will do the research, cite it for you, and make it into an easy to read, clean format for your readers!
Non-Fiction (Without Research)
$.15 Per Word
Struggling to write that memoir you’ve been kicking around forever? Email me and I will send you a detailed list of questions/plot points so we can pen your story.
Outline/Plot Writing
$275 For Novels Up To 50K
Have all these ideas for a certain story but no direction? Give them to me and I’ll turn them into a road map for your own writing adventure! Organization is one of my passions, and I’m especially good at organizing thoughts and making sense out of all the muddied waters we trudge through while brainstorming.
Have a question or would you like to get started on your work? I'm always around and I love connecting with writers! Contact or follow me anywhere below. I look forward to hearing from you and transforming your writing!